Sunday, March 9, 2008

Prince Harry Article

I feel that the Associated Press made the right choice when they decided to keep Prince Harry’s military term in Afghanistan a secret. After learning that the English military bribed the press to not tell the world that Prince Harry was fighting in Afghanistan from December to April it raised many questions about ethics and the responsibilities journalists have to report news. I feel that the public has the right to know uncensored news if it greatly impacts their lives however, what impact did Prince Harry fighting in Afghanistan have on the lives of the public? None, and that is why I agree with the choice the Associated Press made to keep his deployment a secret. If in fact it became public news that the Prince would be fighting in the war for over 5 months and the press gave his location along with other various facts about his term, he could have been in grave danger and become one of the most high profile targets for terrorists attacks against him and his fellow soldiers. I believe that safety should be the primary concern of the press, that is by far more important then getting a good story; the choice that blogger made to print the story in advance jeopardized the well being of Prince Harry. I am disappointed that the story got leaked on a blog before the time his tour was finished and it is unfortunate he could not complete his time in Afghanistan. I do believe he will go back soon to defend England and I hope this time it will not be leaked onto the internet, giving information to people who do not have his best interest at heart.


At March 10, 2008 at 11:27 AM , Blogger Rosemary Armao said...

some factual errors here. The AP did not agree to keep a secret and it did not. The deal was made by UK media and then an American blogger, Matt Drudge, found out what had happened and printed it. Then other US and UK media ran with the story, including the AP.

It is a nice theory you have -- that the media should keep safety of individuals in mind uppermost, but doesn't it have other questioning a monarchy that risks a prince's life for what -- happy PR news? Don't you wonder what else the media is keeping secret?


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