Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Interview with Someone Different from Me

What is your name: Alex John Trataros
How do you pronounce your last name?: Tra-Tar-Is
What is a good number to contact at?: (914) 760-5925
Where do you live?: White Plains, NY since I was born (haha)
So did you go to White Plains High School?: Yes I did, Orange and Black baby!
Haha Very nice, did you play any sports in high school?: Yea I did, football and track for four years and wrestling for two
That seems like it was pretty time consuming, did you have anytime for after school jobs?: I worked the weekend with my dad
Oh that sounds fun, what does your dad do?: He's a landlord, he owns multiple buildings and rent out the apartments
Do you live in the apartments by yourself or do you live at home still?: I live at home, that's how I like it, it's the only way to get free food haha
Who lives in your house with you?: My mom, dad and sister, Kori
Did your family help you in your search to find a college?: No, they left it up to me
So what inspired your decision to attend UAlbany?: I felt like it offered a wide range to its student and it was a diverse campus, I also really liked its location
Oh, that's always important. How far is it from your home in White Plains?: About 2 hours, but when my dad drives about 3...he makes multiple restroom stops
Do you know what you plan on majoring here at UAlbany?: History with a minor in education
So do plan on being a teacher?: No, I plan on taking my history degree to law school
My sister graduated from here last May with plans on becoming a lawyer, do you know what law school you'd like to attend?: Either NYU, PACE or Columbia
Those are pretty tough schools to get into, how are your grades looking?: Well I worked hard last semester and got a 3.62 so I hope to keep that up for the next 3 and 1/2 years
Do you have anything else you would like me to know about you? Ya I am Jamaican and Greek...that's what's up mang.


At February 23, 2008 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Rosemary Armao said...

The difference here is that he's a male?

Hah, well, technically this meets my criterion for the assignment although there is far more rapport here than difficulty talking across a divide. You did a good job recording the dialogue and that is a valuable skill in writing journalism too.


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